How To Know If Your Royal Oak Roof Needs To Be Replaced Or Repaired

Royal Oak Michigan Roof Repair

As a Royal Oak homeowner, you know that your home’s roof will eventually deteriorate and need to get replaced. The question is, when is it best to replace your roof? And when will a repair job be all that is required?

If you replace your roof too quickly, you are wasting money. If you wait too long, you risk major leaks that can lead to mold growth and expensive water damage.

Determining when to repair or replace a roof requires you to consider various factors. These include the wear and age of your shingles, the climate where you live, and your home’s susceptibility to being damaged. The following are a few tips to help you determine whether to replace or repair a roof.

How Old Is Your Roof?

 This is the first question Royal Oak residents should ask when determining what to do with their roof. Asphalt shingles have a lifespan of 15 to 30 years. If your roof has localized damage in one or two small spots but the roof is less than 15 years old, then you might repair your roof. However, if your roof is over 20 years old and even if there are only one or two damaged spots, replacing it may be in your best long-term interests.

Determining the Cause of the Leak

 The number one reason Royal Oak residents call for a roof inspection is because they have noticed a leak in their roof. It’s difficult to pinpoint the source of the leak as the location where the water is visible inside the home may be far removed from the location of the actual filtration.

More times than not, a leak is along a flashing point. If this is the case, a leak may be isolated. You may only need to repair your roof as opposed to replacing it. However, if there are multiple leaks, then you might need to replace your roof.

How Long Do You Plan to Be in the Home?

 There are two ways that you can look at this point. If you are planning on selling your home relatively soon and there are just a few spots of damage on the roof, then repairing the roof might be a good idea. However, if a potential home buyer has your roof inspected and signs of damage are found, this could reduce the amount of money you can sell your home for. If you are looking to sell and there is some of damage, a replacement may be in order.

Others decide that since they will sell their home in a few years and the roof is in overall good condition, it would make sense to just have minor repairs done, leaving major replacements to the person who buys the home.

Circumstances That Would Require a Roof Replacement

 Natural disasters wreak havoc on roofs. If your neighborhood recently suffered a hurricane, tornado, or violent storm, the damage to your roof may be so extensive that it requires a total replacement. Even a harsh winter where moisture seeped into the roof and then froze can push your roof into a state of emergency. Consider the materials that your roof is made of when determining whether to repair or replace. A slate roof that is 100 years old may still have decades of life ahead of it. Conversely, a metal roof that’s 80 years old, except for copper, would likely need to be replaced. Thankfully, newer premium asphalt shingles have been made to last for 50 years or more as long as you give them proper